Form Center

By signing in or creating an account, some fields will auto-populate with your information and your submitted forms will be saved and accessible to you.


  1. Share Your Feedback with the Beautification Commission

    We want to hear your ideas, thoughts, and comments. Please submit them here using the form below

Board of Appeals

  1. Share Your Feedback with the Board of Appeals

    We want to hear your ideas, thoughts, and comments. Please submit them here using the form below

Board of Elections

  1. Share Your Feedback with the Board of Elections

    We want to hear your ideas, thoughts, and comments. Please submit them here using the form below

Community Development

  1. A Main Street Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony/Parade Participant Entry Form

    Please fill out this form to register your organization for the 2021 Main Street Christmas Parade! Downtown Mount Airy Saturday,... More…


    This form is for any individual or group who is seeking assistance during the COVID-19 Health Crisis (Coronavirus). The Town is... More…

  3. I Heart Mount Airy Interest Form

    Please share your information with us so we can learn more about your organization or mission. Someone will reach out to you and we can... More…

  1. Commission Community Outreach Form

    Please share with us what is timely and important to your Commission on a monthly basis so that we can provide the information to the... More…


    If you are able to help with delivering or providing essential services to the Mount Airy Community during this time of the COVID-19... More…

  3. I Heart Mount Airy Trivia

    Answer this episode's Trivia question

Economic Development

  1. A Tour of Possibilities - Bus Tour Registration

    Sign-up for riding the bus on September 16, 2021 for Envision Mount Airy, a real estate tour of possibilities. There is no cost to ride... More…

  2. Building a Brighter Future Small Business Grant Program

    For incoming or existing businesses operating out of a commercial space within the Town of Mount Airy.

  3. Envision Mount Airy Survey
  4. Resourceful Entrepreneur Series Registration Form

    Register for the Mount Airy Resourceful Entrepreneur Series, a 9-week series on Tuesday mornings. Pick and Choose which classes you... More…

  5. Share Your Feedback with Economic Development

    We want to hear your ideas, thoughts, and comments. Please submit them here using the form below

  1. A Tour of Possibilities 2021 Property Specification Sheet
  2. Business Contact Information Form

    Submit your contact information to register for Town of Mount Airy government updates related to business.

  3. Now Hiring Form

    Businesses share what hiring needs they have and the Town will display on the website and other applicable places.

  4. Restaurant Week Registration Form

    Registration for the 2019 Mount Airy Restaurant Week.

  5. Shop Small to Win Contest Entry-2021

    Upload your receipts to win!


  1. Contact The Engineering Department

    Contact The Engineering Department


  1. Share Your Feedback with the Ethics Commission

    We want to hear your ideas, thoughts, and comments. Please submit them here using the form below


  1. Bay Restoration Fee Financial Hardship Exemption Application
  1. Business Relief Loan Program

    Thank you for applying to the Town of Mount Airy Business Relief Loan Program. Please fill out this form with as much detail as... More…


  1. Ask your Mayor

    Please complete the following information to submit a question to Mayor Patrick Rockinberg. Please do not use this form to make a... More…

Planning & Zoning

  1. Fence Construction Permit
  2. Shed Permit Application
  1. Share Your Feedback with the Planning Commission

    We want to hear your ideas, thoughts, and comments. Please submit them here using the form below

  2. Sign Permit Application


  1. Report a Town Code or Zoning Violation

    All information submitted is confidential.

Public Works

  1. Snow Removal Concern

    This form was replaced with a google form so that it could be embedded on a webpage.

Recreation and Parks

  1. Athletic Field Request Form
  2. Mount Airy Department of Recreation and Parks Event Request Form
  3. My Town Photo Contest
  4. Share Your Mount Airy Parks Feedback

    Mount Airy Recreation and Parks is interested to know your ideas, thoughts, and comments. Please submit them here using the form below

  1. Mount Airy Department of Parks and Recreation Field Use Agreement
  2. Mount Airy Parks Call for Volunteer/Scout Projects

    Mount Airy is so fortunate to have numerous active volunteer groups asking for projects needed. This page is to collect the... More…

  3. Plant care volunteer sign-up

    Volunteers are needed to help water plants in the pop-up park. Students can receive service hours. Please indicate when you are... More…

  4. Submit Your Scout Project Photo

    Please submit your Eagle Scout or Gold Award Projects to be highlighted on the Town of Mount Airy's website.

Recycling and Sanitation Commission

  1. Share Your Recycling and Sanitation Feedback

    We want to hear your ideas, thoughts, and comments. Please submit them here using the form below

Report A Concern

  1. Service Request Form
  1. Share Your Mount Airy Parks Feedback

    Mount Airy Recreation and Parks is interested to know your ideas, thoughts, and comments. Please submit them here using the form below

Streets and Roads

  1. Share Your Streets and Roads Feedback

    We want to hear your ideas, thoughts, and comments. Please submit them here using the form below

Sustainable Mount Airy Commission

  1. Compost Program Interest Sign-Up Form

    Register if you are interested in learning more about the Mount Airy Sustainability Commission Compost Program.

  1. Share Your Feedback with Sustainable Mount Airy Commission

    We want to hear your ideas, thoughts, and comments. Please submit them here using the form below

Water & Sewer

  1. Share Your Water & Sewer Feedback

    We want to hear your ideas, thoughts, and comments. Please submit them here using the form below