Adding a Listing

  1. Select the My Properties option.
  2. Choose Add Commercial Listing or Residential Listing for property to be listed.
  3. Choose the date you wish to begin the listing and the duration.
  4. Your posting can be featured and stand out from the rest by opting to feature!
  5. Click Continue to enter additional property information.
  6. Click Continue to Preview your listing.
  7. Proceed to Check Out – Please keep in mind that until payment is made, the listing will not be available for viewing by the public.
  8. Pay Later – Return later to Pay and Post.
  9. Upon the expiration of a posting, the option to Repost will become available. Choose this to copy the expired posting, and then follow the steps 2 to 8.

Modifying a Listing

  1. Select the Modify option on the listing you wish to change.
  2. The start date and duration of the listing cannot be modified.
  3. Change any of the Listing Details and Save to complete your changes.

Renewing a Listing

  1. To extend the duration of your posting, select the Renew button.
  2. Select the length of time you wish your posting to be active.
  3. Your listing can be featured and stand out from the rest by opting to feature!
  4. Finally, click Proceed to Payment to complete your renewal.

Deleting a Listing

  1. Click My Listings to view all your current property listings
  2. Select the Delete option for the listing you wish to remove
  3. Click OK when you receive β€œAre you sure you want to delete this property?” popup.
  4. Once deleting the listing the record of the property will be removed and any remaining time on the listing will be forfeited.