Add Job Posting/Repost

  1. Select the Add Job Posting option located above the search bar.
  2. Choose an applicable category for the position to be listed.
  3. Choose the date you wish to begin the listing and the duration.
  4. Your posting can be featured and stand out from the rest by opting to feature!
  5. Click Continue to enter the Job Title and Job ID, Description, Salary, Qualifications, Special Requirements, or Miscellaneous.
  6. Click Continue to Preview your job posting.
  7. Proceed to Check Out – Please keep in mind that until payment is made, the posting will not be available for viewing by the public.
  8. Pay Later – Return later to pay and post.
  9. Upon the expiration of a posting, the option to repost will become available. Choose this to copy the expired posting, and then follow the steps 2 to 8.

Modify Posting

  1. Select the Modify option on the listing you wish to change.
  2. You may elect to change to a different category.
  3. The start date and duration of the listing cannot be modified.
  4. Change any of the Job Details and Save to complete your changes.

Close/Re-open Posting

  1. Close: To remove an active posting from public view, select the Close button.
  2. Re-Open: To restore an active posting to public view, select the Re-open Job button.


  1. To extend the duration of your posting, select the Renew button.
  2. Select the length of time you wish your posting to be active.
  3. Your posting can be featured and stand out from the rest by opting to feature!
  4. Finally, click Proceed to Payment to complete your renewal.

View Posting

  1. You can view individual postings by clicking on the title of the posting. From the view screen you have the ability to modify the job by selecting the Modify This Job button.