April 6, 2019
During Regular Restaurant Hours
Participating Restaurants in Mount Airy
Mount Airy Restaurant Week
Saturday, April 6, 2019
Restaurant Week is back again on April 1-7, 2019! Participating restaurants will be offering two or more course meals at fixed prices. The list of participating restaurants for the event will be released at www.mountairymd.gov/restaurantweek.
The fixed prices that you can expect range from $10 breakfast and lunches to $40 dinners for two people. Each specially crafted restaurant week specific menu is on the website so you can plan out your meals for the week. Some places will be providing an entertaining children’s coloring placemat and crayons for some family fun. This is a great week to try something new on the menu.
During the week, you could win a $25 gift card from a participating restaurant, if you upload a “food-selfie” otherwise known as snapping a picture of your favorite food with your fellow dinners at a participating restaurant, and hashtag with #mtairyeats on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.