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Resourceful Entrepreneur Series Registration Form

  1. Mount Airy Resourceful Entrepreneur Banner Photo
  2. Are you a current member of the Greater Mount Airy Chamber of Commerce (GMACC)?*
  3. Would you like to sign-up to sponsor a class for $50?*
  4. Class Sponsorship Information:
    Each class can support two business sponsors at $50.00 each. Sponsorship helps us to offset costs related to breakfast and presenters. As a sponsor you may bring promotional information from your business and will have a few minutes before each class begins to talk about your business.
  5. Class Descriptions
  6. March 5, 2019 - Building Teamwork in 2019 with Kelly Frager of Etiquette for Everyday
    Teams. They are everywhere! At work. On the field. In your home. Part of your volunteer organizations. We all know what good teamwork looks like, but knowing doesn't always translate into building. Discover what you as a leader and contributor can do to build a strong foundation for your team through understanding today's challenges teams face and what drives team effectiveness.
  7. March 12, 2019 - Quickbooks Lesson and Answering with Mechelle Cascardo of Simply Bookkeeping
    What do you need to know about QuickBooks? Get QuickBooks solutions for your QuickBooks issues!
  8. March 19, 2019 - Connecting and Cross Promoting Businesses with Steven Colella of the Small Business Development Center (SBDC)
  9. March 26, 2019 - Cybersecurity with Matt Day, Director of Cybersecurity at Carroll Community College
    Learn about the latest cyber security threats and how they can impact small businesses. Topics will include: how to best protect your small business from a cyber security incident, attacks commonly targeted at small businesses, and what to do if you suspect your business has been targeted.
  10. April 2, 2019 - Content Marketing for Small Businesses: Share your Knowledge and Attract the Perfect Target Customer with Helen Rose of LaunchIt Consulting
    Learn 7 benefits to content marketing. You want to make content that people want to like, share, and attract links from other websites. When your content is liked, shared and linked it is distributed to larger audiences and most importantly, points back to your website. You want to bring your audience to your website, so they can learn more about you and how you can help them. Once they are on your website or your landing page, you could capture the lead's information or better yet, make sales.
  11. April 9, 2019 - Polishing Your Front Line Sales Skills with Larry VanSant - VanSant Consulting - Sandler Training
    Does your Service team and inside support team have their sales ears on? - Are you frustrated that your average service ticket isn’t growing as it should be? - Are you concerned over losing customers that you don’t even know there is a problem? - Does your team know how to deal with Difficult clients, do those clients disappear, does your team get a “bad attitude after dealing with a difficult client that is carried throughout the day”? - Are you concerned over your team knowing how to talk with clients and how to communicate correctly? - Do you know how to make a warranty call into a sale? - Do you ever get upset over having to go on a call that you were just on and tell the customer that it's not your fault only to have them blame you? - Do your clients know all the things that you do? ___________________ Sandler's time-tested communication techniques will add additional income and growth to any organization. Customer service and inside support teams speak to clients more than anyone else! Sandler’s time-tested communication techniques will add additional income and growth to any organization. IT COSTS 60% MORE TO GAIN A CUSTOMER THAN TO KEEP ONE. - Turn your team into a sales machine!
  12. April 16, 2019 - Game Changers for Small Business with Tom Mazerski of Miller Center
    Are you a smooth operator? See what a smooth-running business should look like in this interactive workshop. Find out how to move the needle in the areas of finance, sales, operations and customer service. These learned techniques enable business owners and entrepreneurs to ignore the fear of failure.
  13. April 23, 2019 - SWOT Analysis Workshop - Identify Your Business's Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats with Tom Mazerski of Miller Center
    Identifying your business's Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats is imperative to planning and executing a good overall strategy. Learn how to develop your own SWOT analysis.
  14. April 30, 2019 - Mental Health & Wellness in the Workplace with Karen Duffy of Family Wellness Alliance
    Discover ways to promote mental health and wellness in the workplace. Any business professional or business of small or large scale will learn ways to get mental health support or how to provide support of others.
  15. Class Sign-Up*
    Please select any classes that you are planning on attending:
  16. Thank you for your registration and choosing to be a Resourceful Entrepreneur!
    The Mount Airy Resourceful Entrepreneur Series is created, planned, and funded by the Town of Mount Airy and Greater Mount Airy Chamber of Commerce.
  17. Mount Airy Oval Logo
  18. Greater Mount Airy Chamber of Commerce Logo
  19. Leave This Blank:

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