Yard Waste Pick-up
Location: Curbside Pick-up
6:00 am to 6:00 am
Yard Waste Pick-Up Day! Please have your yard waste in biodegradable paper bags (not plastic). Acceptable yard waste is yard trimmings, grass clippings, hedge and garden clippings, tree prunings, leaves, brush and branches. Brush and branches must be cut in three foot lengths and be no more than three inches in diameter tied in bundles.
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Feed the Need - FREE Food Distribution
Location: Summit Ridge Park ~ Buffalo Rd. and Scotch Heather Avenue
11:00 am to 12:00 am
FREE Food Distribution
We will be handing out a variety of FREE food items to any family who is in need. Please come out and receive your free groceries on Saturday, June 8th!!
Distribution starts at 11AM sharp, so make sure you come early because supplies are limited. For more information please check out our website www.camtairy.com
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72nd Lions Club Carnival
Location: Fire Company Carnival Grounds on Rt. 27 and Twin Arch Road
7:00 pm to 9:00 pm
72nd LIONS CARNIVAL - June 3-8, 2013 - located at the Mount Airy Volunteer Fire Company carnival grounds, Rt.27 and Twin Arch Road. This is our largest fund raising event where all of our members who are able and many local volunteers come together to help us make the funds to run this club every year. It is usually one of the first carnivals of the year in our area and consequently has a very large attendance. The Lions club manages or operates most of the food booths at the carnival. Rides and amusements are provided by Rosedale Amusements.
Date range
Since 06-03 until 06-09
Link out
http://www.mtairylions.com/carnival.hPost (0)