Department of Recreation and Parks Event Request Form

Mount Airy Department of Recreation and Parks Event Request Form

  1. Parks-and-Rec-Logo-4
  2. Are goods or food being sold during this event?*
  3. Will you be applying for a Special One-Day Liquor License to sell alchohol?*
  4. Is a registration or admission fee being charged?*
  5. Is the group a non-profit?*
  6. Will you be hanging banners, posters, signs, etc?*
    Please keep a copy of your permit with you during the event at all times. These permits and forms aid in maintaining a busy park schedule, assuring preservation of park facilities, and accommodating your requests.
  8. 1. EVENTS
    a. Applications for 5Ks/walks or other events over 100 expected attendees must be submitted no later than 90 days before event and not more than one year. b. Events requiring extra parking must be worked out by the organizer with the other entities c. For such events, organizers are encouraged to attend a Recreation and Parks Board meeting which meets 7:00 PM the 3rd Thursday of every month at Town Hall. d. For such events, the reservation of either a sports field or pavilion may be required depending on size, safety, and location.
    a. Certain events may require a certificate of insurance naming the Town of Mount Airy as the holder with a minimum $1 million liability and must be submitted within 5 days of request.
  10. 3. PAYMENT
    a. Payment for any reservation, if applicable, is due at the time of reservation. b. No refunds will be given.
    a. Use of tobacco products and tobacco substitute products such as vapor products is prohibited in Town parks, including the Town's Rails to Trails pathways and associated properties, except for specifically designated areas. b. Consumption of alcohol is prohibited within Town parks, including the Town’s Rails to Trail’s pathways and associated properties, unless a Special One-Day Liquor License has been submitted to the Parks Manager, to the Board of License Commissioners for Carroll County and to Mount Airy Town Council and approved by all. (see c. Possession of unsealed containers or firearms is prohibited within Town parks, including the Town’s Rails to Trail’s pathways and associated properties. d. The use of ATV’s or other such sport vehicles is prohibited within Town parks, including the Town's Rails to Trails pathways and associated properties.
  12. 5. SIGNAGE
    a. Temporary signage may be displayed as allowed by the Town charter. A separate permit may be required and will be the organizers responsibility. b. All signage must be removed within 24 hours of the end of the event.
  13. 6. TRASH
    a. All trash must be placed in proper receptacles. Extra bags of trash may be placed next to the receptacles. b. Please clean up any areas in use and wipe off tables.
  14. 7. WEATHER
    a. All permits are rain or shine. No refunds are offered for inclement weather. A change of reservation date will be considered.
  15. I have read and understand that I must comply with the Rules and Considerations above.*
  16. Leave This Blank:

  17. This field is not part of the form submission.