Shed Permits

Complete the shed permit overview and application form (PDF) or complete the online form version.

Smaller Sheds Permitting & Location Requirements

A permit is required for accessory structures over 100 square feet require a building permit. Accessory structures are not permitted in the front yard yards areas. Accessory structures 100 or less shall be set back 3 feet from side and rear lot lines. Accessory structures over 100 square feet shall be set back minimum of 6 feet from side and rear lot lines.

Large Sheds & Electrical Permitted Through Carroll County

Sheds over a 150 square foot need to be applied for through Carroll County Permits department. Also, any electrical that is required needs to have a permit pulled through Carroll County Permits.

Lot Requirements

Maximum lot coverage, the total coverage of any structure on 1 lot shall not exceed 30% of total rear yard area. For the height general rule, accessory structures shall not exceed 1 story or 10 feet in height. For structure covered by a roof, the highest pint of the roof shall not exceed 15 feet in height.